by Brian McKibbin | Jun 22, 2021 | Siggy The Sausage Dog
So, the editor has made corrections. The writer (me) has agreed them, and batted ideas back and forth. The final draft has been laid out, and after a little snafu, we are off “at the races” as we build the illustrations from sketches into the full artwork. Lights,...
by Brian McKibbin | Jun 22, 2021 | Siggy The Sausage Dog
This is one of my favourite images of my little sausage dog from the new book Siggy Loves Sausages. Wait, because… It’s still a sketch, so I apologise for it being a little off-centre in the post. But, he really looks like a very happy wee chappie, doesn’t he? I hope...
by Brian McKibbin | Jun 22, 2021 | Siggy The Sausage Dog
They’re Everywhere! My wife and I have been noticing dachshunds for a few years. In our city there are a number of the cute little critters, and they always bring us a tremendous amount of joy. We began to try to spot them. If we did, we had a secret little sign to...
by Brian McKibbin | Jun 22, 2021 | Siggy The Sausage Dog
The first step First (in June, 2020) there were my own little “flower girls”. They appeared at the door (or rather, they rang the bell and then ran and hid) during lockdown and brought little bouquets of flowers to cheer us up. We began to talk, and played a little...